
This guide can help you start working with CogDL.

Create a model

Here, we will create a spectral clustering model, which is a very simple graph embedding algorithm. We name it spectral.py and put it in cogdl/models/emb directory.

First we import necessary library like numpy, scipy, networkx, sklearn, we also import API like ‘BaseModel’ and ‘register_model’ from cogl/models/ to build our new model:

import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import scipy.sparse as sp
from sklearn import preprocessing
from .. import BaseModel, register_model

Then we use function decorator to declare new model for CogDL

class Spectral(BaseModel):

We have to implement method ‘build_model_from_args’ in spectral.py. If it need more parameters to train, we can use ‘add_args’ to add model-specific arguments.

def add_args(parser):
    """Add model-specific arguments to the parser."""

def build_model_from_args(cls, args):
    return cls(args.hidden_size)

def __init__(self, dimension):
    super(Spectral, self).__init__()
    self.dimension = dimension

Each new model should provide a ‘train’ method to obtain representation.

def train(self, G):
    matrix = nx.normalized_laplacian_matrix(G).todense()
    matrix = np.eye(matrix.shape[0]) - np.asarray(matrix)
    ut, s, _ = sp.linalg.svds(matrix, self.dimension)
    emb_matrix = ut * np.sqrt(s)
    emb_matrix = preprocessing.normalize(emb_matrix, "l2")
    return emb_matrix

Create a dataset

In order to add a dataset into CogDL, you should know your dataset’s format. We have provided several graph format like edgelist, matlab_matrix and pyg. If your dataset is same as the ‘ppi’ dataset, which contains two matrices: ‘network’ and ‘group’, you can register your dataset directly use above code.

class PPIDataset(MatlabMatrix):
    def __init__(self):
        dataset, filename = "ppi", "Homo_sapiens"
        url = "http://snap.stanford.edu/node2vec/"
        path = osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.realpath(__file__)), "../..", "data", dataset)
        super(PPIDataset, self).__init__(path, filename, url)

You should declare the name of the dataset, the name of file and the url, where our script can download resource.

Create a task

In order to evaluate some methods on several datasets, we can build a task and evaluate learned representation. The BaseTask class are:

class BaseTask(object):
    def add_args(parser):
        """Add task-specific arguments to the parser."""

    def __init__(self, args):

    def train(self, num_epoch):
        raise NotImplementedError

we can create a subclass to implement ‘train’ method like CommunityDetection, which get representation of each node and apply clustering algorithm(K-means) to evaluate.

class CommunityDetection(BaseTask):
    """Community Detection task."""

    def add_args(parser):
        """Add task-specific arguments to the parser."""
        parser.add_argument("--hidden-size", type=int, default=128)
        parser.add_argument("--num-shuffle", type=int, default=5)

    def __init__(self, args):
        super(CommunityDetection, self).__init__(args)
        dataset = build_dataset(args)
        self.data = dataset[0]

        self.num_nodes, self.num_classes = self.data.y.shape
        self.label = np.argmax(self.data.y, axis=1)
        self.model = build_model(args)
        self.hidden_size = args.hidden_size
        self.num_shuffle = args.num_shuffle

    def train(self):
        G = nx.Graph()
        embeddings = self.model.train(G)

        clusters = [30, 50, 70]
        all_results = defaultdict(list)
        for num_cluster in clusters:
            for _ in range(self.num_shuffle):
                model = KMeans(n_clusters=num_cluster).fit(embeddings)
                nmi_score = normalized_mutual_info_score(self.label, model.labels_)

        return dict(
                f"normalized_mutual_info_score {num_cluster}",
                sum(all_results[num_cluster]) / len(all_results[num_cluster]),
            for num_cluster in sorted(all_results.keys())

Combine model, dataset and task

After create your model, dataset and task, we could combine them together to learn representation from a model on a dataset and evaluate its performance according to a task. We use ‘build_model’, ‘build_dataset’, ‘build_task’ method to build them with cooresponding parameters.

from cogdl.tasks import build_task
from cogdl.datasets import build_dataset
from cogdl.models import build_model
from cogdl.utils import build_args_from_dict

def test_deepwalk_ppi():
    default_dict = {'hidden_size': 64, 'num_shuffle': 1, 'cpu': True}
    args = build_args_from_dict(default_dict)

    # model, dataset and task parameters
    args.model = 'spectral'
    args.dataset = 'ppi'
    args.task = 'community_detection'

    # build model, dataset and task
    dataset = build_dataset(args)
    model = build_model(args)
    task = build_task(args)

    # train model and get evaluate results
    ret = task.train()