Source code for cogdl.models.nn.patchy_san

import functools
import random

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from cogdl.utils import split_dataset_general

from .. import BaseModel, register_model

[docs]@register_model("patchy_san") class PatchySAN(BaseModel): r"""The Patchy-SAN model from the `"Learning Convolutional Neural Networks for Graphs" <>`_ paper. Args: batch_size (int) : The batch size of training. sample (int) : Number of chosen vertexes. stride (int) : Node selection stride. neighbor (int) : The number of neighbor for each node. iteration (int) : The number of training iteration. """
[docs] @staticmethod def add_args(parser): parser.add_argument("--batch-size", type=int, default=20) parser.add_argument("--sample", default=30, type=int, help="Number of chosen vertexes") parser.add_argument("--stride", default=1, type=int, help="Stride of chosen vertexes") parser.add_argument("--neighbor", default=10, type=int, help="Number of neighbor in constructing features") parser.add_argument("--iteration", default=5, type=int, help="Number of iteration") parser.add_argument("--train-ratio", type=float, default=0.7) parser.add_argument("--test-ratio", type=float, default=0.1)
[docs] @classmethod def build_model_from_args(cls, args): return cls( args.batch_size, args.num_features, args.num_classes, args.sample, args.stride, args.neighbor, args.iteration, )
[docs] @classmethod def split_dataset(self, dataset, args): # process each graph and add it into Data() as attribute tx for i, data in enumerate(dataset): new_feature = get_single_feature( dataset[i], args.num_features, args.num_classes, args.sample, args.neighbor, args.stride ) dataset[i].tx = torch.from_numpy(new_feature) return split_dataset_general(dataset, args)
def __init__(self, batch_size, num_features, num_classes, num_sample, stride, num_neighbor, iteration): super(PatchySAN, self).__init__() self.batch_size = batch_size self.num_features = num_features self.num_classes = num_classes self.num_sample = num_sample self.stride = stride self.num_neighbor = num_neighbor self.iteration = iteration self.build_model(self.num_features, self.num_sample, self.num_neighbor, self.num_classes)
[docs] def build_model(self, num_channel, num_sample, num_neighbor, num_class): rep1, stride1 = 4, 4 num_filter1, num_filter2 = 16, 8 self.conv1 = nn.Conv1d(num_channel, num_filter1, rep1, stride=stride1, groups=1) self.conv2 = nn.Conv1d(num_filter1, num_filter2, num_neighbor, stride=1, groups=1) num_lin = (int(num_sample * num_neighbor / stride1) - num_neighbor + 1) * num_filter2 self.lin1 = torch.nn.Linear(num_lin, 128) self.lin2 = torch.nn.Linear(128, num_class) self.nn = nn.Sequential( self.conv1, nn.ReLU(), self.conv2, nn.ReLU(), nn.Flatten(), self.lin1, nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(0.2), self.lin2, nn.Softmax(), )
[docs] def forward(self, batch): logits = self.nn(batch.tx) return logits
def assemble_neighbor(G, node, num_neighbor, sorted_nodes): """assemble neighbors for node with BFS strategy""" neighbors_dict = dict() new_neighbors_dict = dict() neighbors_dict[node] = 0 new_neighbors_dict[node] = 0 # assemble over K neighbors with BFS strategy while len(neighbors_dict) < num_neighbor and len(new_neighbors_dict) > 0: temp_neighbor_dict = dict() for v, d in new_neighbors_dict.items(): for new_v in G.neighbors(v): if new_v not in temp_neighbor_dict: temp_neighbor_dict[new_v] = d + 1 n = len(neighbors_dict) for v, d in temp_neighbor_dict.items(): if v not in neighbors_dict: neighbors_dict[v] = d new_neighbors_dict = temp_neighbor_dict # break if the number of neighbors do not increase if n == len(neighbors_dict): break # add dummy disconnected nodes if number is not suffice while len(neighbors_dict) < num_neighbor: rand_node = sorted_nodes[random.randint(0, len(sorted_nodes) - 1)][0] if rand_node not in neighbors_dict: neighbors_dict[rand_node] = 10 return neighbors_dict def cmp(s1, s2): list1 = [int(l) for l in s1.strip().split(" ")] # noqa E741 list2 = [int(l) for l in s2.strip().split(" ")] # noqa E741 i = 0 while i < len(list1) and i < len(list2): if list1[i] < list2[i]: return -1 if list1[i] > list2[i]: return 1 i += 1 if i < len(list1): return 1 elif i < len(list2): return -1 else: return 0 def one_dim_wl(graph_list, init_labels, iteration=5): """1-dimension Wl method used for node normalization for all the subgraphs""" sorted_labels = sorted(list(set(init_labels.values()))) label_dict = dict([(label, index) for index, label in enumerate(sorted_labels)]) graph_label_list = [] for t in range(iteration): new_label_dict = dict() # get label for each node in each graph if t == 0: # get label according to nodes' attribute labels for i in range(len(graph_list)): labels = dict() for id, v in enumerate(graph_list[i].nodes()): labels[v] = str(init_labels[v]) new_label_dict[labels[v]] = 1 graph_label_list.append(labels) else: # get label according to neighbors' labels for i in range(len(graph_list)): labels = dict() for id, v in enumerate(graph_list[i].nodes()): neighbor_labels = [graph_label_list[i][v2] for v2 in graph_list[i].neighbors(v)] sorted_labels = [str(l) for l in sorted(neighbor_labels)] # noqa E741 # concentrate node label and its sorted neighbors' labels new_label = str(graph_label_list[i][v]) + " " + " ".join(sorted_labels) new_label_dict[new_label] = 1 labels[v] = new_label graph_label_list[i] = labels.copy() # sort new labels with dictionary order sorted_list = sorted(new_label_dict.keys(), key=functools.cmp_to_key(cmp), reverse=False) for new_label in sorted_list: # add new label to the labels_dict if new_label not in label_dict: label_dict[new_label] = len(label_dict) # relabel node labels with new label for i in range(len(graph_list)): for id, v in enumerate(graph_list[i].nodes()): graph_label_list[i][v] = label_dict[graph_label_list[i][v]] return graph_label_list def node_selection_with_1d_wl(G, features, num_channel, num_sample, num_neighbor, stride): """construct features for cnn""" X = np.zeros((num_channel, num_sample, num_neighbor), dtype=np.float32) node2id = dict([(node, vid) for vid, node in enumerate(G.nodes())]) betweenness = nx.betweenness_centrality(G) sorted_nodes = sorted(betweenness.items(), key=lambda d: d[1], reverse=False) # obtain normalized neighbors' features for each vertex i = 0 j = 0 root_list = [] distance_list = [] graph_list = [] while j < num_sample: if i < len(sorted_nodes): neighbors_dict = assemble_neighbor(G, sorted_nodes[i][0], num_neighbor, sorted_nodes) # construct subgraph and sort neighbors with a labeling measurement like degree centrality sub_g = G.subgraph(neighbors_dict.keys()) root_list.append(sorted_nodes[i][0]) distance_list.append(neighbors_dict) graph_list.append(sub_g) else: # zero receptive field X[:, j, :] = np.zeros((num_channel, num_neighbor), dtype=np.float32) i += stride j += 1 init_labels = dict([(v, features[id].argmax(axis=0)) for v, id in node2id.items()]) graph_labels_list = one_dim_wl(graph_list, init_labels) # finally relabel based on 1d-wl and distance to root node for i in range(len(root_list)): # set root node the first position graph_labels_list[i][root_list[i]] = 0 sorted_measurement = dict([(v, [measure, distance_list[i][v]]) for v, measure in graph_labels_list[i].items()]) sorted_neighbor = sorted(sorted_measurement.items(), key=lambda d: d[1], reverse=False)[:num_neighbor] reorder_dict = dict(zip(sorted(sorted_measurement.keys()), range(len(sorted_measurement)))) X[:, i, :] = features[[reorder_dict[v] for v, measure in sorted_neighbor]].T return X.reshape(num_channel, num_sample * num_neighbor) def get_single_feature(data, num_features, num_classes, num_sample, num_neighbor, stride=1): """construct features""" data_list = [data] X = np.zeros((len(data_list), num_features, num_sample * num_neighbor), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(len(data_list)): edge_index, features = data_list[i].edge_index, data_list[i].x G = nx.Graph() row, col = edge_index[0].numpy(), edge_index[1].numpy() G.add_edges_from(list(zip(row, col))) # print("graph", i, "number of node", G.number_of_nodes(), "edge", G.number_of_edges()) if G.number_of_nodes() > num_neighbor: X[i] = node_selection_with_1d_wl(G, features.cpu().numpy(), num_features, num_sample, num_neighbor, stride) X = X.astype(np.float32) return X