Using Customized Dataset
CogDL has provided lots of common datasets. But you may wish to apply GNN to new datasets for different applications. CogDL provides an interface for customized datasets. You take care of reading in the dataset and the rest is to CogDL
We provide NodeDataset
and GraphDataset
as abstract classes and implement necessary basic operations.
Dataset for node_classification
To create a dataset for node_classification, you need to inherit NodeDataset
. NodeDataset
is for node-level prediction. Then you need to implement process
In this method, you are expected to read in your data and preprocess raw data to the format available to CogDL with Graph
Afterwards, we suggest you to save the processed data (we will also help you do it as you return the data) to avoid doing
the preprocessing again. Next time you run the code, CogDL will directly load it.
The running process of the module is as follows:
Specify the path to save processed data with self.path
2. Function process is called to load and preprocess data and your data is saved as Graph in self.path. This step will be implemented the first time you use your dataset. And then every time you use your dataset, the dataset will be loaded from self.path for convenience. 3. For dataset, for example, named MyNodeDataset in node-level tasks, You can access the data/Graph via or MyDataset[0].
In addition, evaluation metric for your dataset should be specified. CogDL provides accuracy
and multiclass_f1
for multi-class classification, multilabel_f1
for multi-label classification.
If scale_feat
is set to be True, CogDL will normalize node features with mean u and variance s:
Here is an example:
from import Graph
from cogdl.datasets import NodeDataset, generate_random_graph
class MyNodeDataset(NodeDataset):
def __init__(self, path=""):
self.path = path
super(MyNodeDataset, self).__init__(path, scale_feat=False, metric="accuracy")
def process(self):
"""You need to load your dataset and transform to `Graph`"""
num_nodes, num_edges, feat_dim = 100, 300, 30
# load or generate your dataset
edge_index = torch.randint(0, num_nodes, (2, num_edges))
x = torch.randn(num_nodes, feat_dim)
y = torch.randint(0, 2, (num_nodes,))
# set train/val/test mask in node_classification task
train_mask = torch.zeros(num_nodes).bool()
train_mask[0 : int(0.3 * num_nodes)] = True
val_mask = torch.zeros(num_nodes).bool()
val_mask[int(0.3 * num_nodes) : int(0.7 * num_nodes)] = True
test_mask = torch.zeros(num_nodes).bool()
test_mask[int(0.7 * num_nodes) :] = True
data = Graph(x=x, edge_index=edge_index, y=y, train_mask=train_mask, val_mask=val_mask, test_mask=test_mask)
return data
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Train customized dataset via defining a new class
dataset = MyNodeDataset()
experiment(dataset=dataset, model="gcn")
# Train customized dataset via feeding the graph data to NodeDataset
data = generate_random_graph(num_nodes=100, num_edges=300, num_feats=30)
dataset = NodeDataset(data=data)
experiment(dataset=dataset, model="gcn")
Dataset for graph_classification
Similarly, you need to inherit GraphDataset
when you want to build a dataset for graph-level tasks such as graph_classification.
The overall implementation is similar while the difference is in process
. As GraphDataset
contains a lot of graphs,
you need to transform your data to Graph
for each graph separately to form a list of Graph
An example is shown as follows:
from import Graph
from cogdl.datasets import GraphDataset
class MyGraphDataset(GraphDataset):
def __init__(self, path=""):
self.path = path
super(MyGraphDataset, self).__init__(path, metric="accuracy")
def process(self):
# Load and preprocess data
# Here we randomly generate several graphs for simplicity as an example
graphs = []
for i in range(10):
edges = torch.randint(0, 20, (2, 30))
label = torch.randint(0, 7, (1,))
graphs.append(Graph(edge_index=edges, y=label))
return graphs
if __name__ == "__main__":
dataset = MyGraphDataset()
experiment(model="gin", dataset=dataset)