import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from scipy.special import iv
import networkx as nx
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.utils.extmath import randomized_svd
from cogdl.utils.prone_utils import get_embedding_dense
from import Graph
from .. import BaseModel
[docs]class ProNE(BaseModel):
r"""The ProNE model from the `"ProNE: Fast and Scalable Network Representation Learning"
<>`_ paper.
hidden_size (int) : The dimension of node representation.
step (int) : The number of items in the chebyshev expansion.
mu (float) : Parameter in ProNE.
theta (float) : Parameter in ProNE.
[docs] @staticmethod
def add_args(parser):
"""Add model-specific arguments to the parser."""
# fmt: off
parser.add_argument("--step", type=int, default=5,
help="Number of items in the chebyshev expansion")
parser.add_argument("--mu", type=float, default=0.2)
parser.add_argument("--theta", type=float, default=0.5)
parser.add_argument("--hidden-size", type=int, default=128)
# fmt: on
[docs] @classmethod
def build_model_from_args(cls, args):
return cls(args.hidden_size, args.step,, args.theta)
def __init__(self, dimension, step, mu, theta):
super(ProNE, self).__init__()
self.dimension = dimension
self.step = step = mu
self.theta = theta
[docs] def forward(self, graph: Graph, return_dict=False):
nx_g = graph.to_networkx()
self.matrix0 = sp.csr_matrix(nx.adjacency_matrix(nx_g))
features_matrix = self._pre_factorization(self.matrix0, self.matrix0)
embeddings_matrix = self._chebyshev_gaussian(self.matrix0, features_matrix, self.step,, self.theta)
embeddings = embeddings_matrix
if return_dict:
features_matrix = dict()
for vid, node in enumerate(nx_g.nodes()):
features_matrix[node] = embeddings[vid]
features_matrix = np.zeros((graph.num_nodes, embeddings.shape[1]))
nx_nodes = nx_g.nodes()
features_matrix[nx_nodes] = embeddings[np.arange(graph.num_nodes)]
return features_matrix
def _get_embedding_rand(self, matrix):
# Sparse randomized tSVD for fast embedding
smat = sp.csc_matrix(matrix) # convert to sparse CSC format
U, Sigma, VT = randomized_svd(smat, n_components=self.dimension, n_iter=5, random_state=None)
U = U * np.sqrt(Sigma)
U = preprocessing.normalize(U, "l2")
return U
def _pre_factorization(self, tran, mask):
# Network Embedding as Sparse Matrix Factorization
l1 = 0.75
C1 = preprocessing.normalize(tran, "l1")
neg = np.array(C1.sum(axis=0))[0] ** l1
neg = neg / neg.sum()
neg = sp.diags(neg, format="csr")
neg =[ <= 0] = 1[ <= 0] = 1 = np.log( = np.log(
C1 -= neg
F = C1
features_matrix = self._get_embedding_rand(F)
return features_matrix
def _chebyshev_gaussian(self, A, a, order=5, mu=0.5, s=0.2, plus=False, nn=False):
# NE Enhancement via Spectral Propagation
num_node = a.shape[0]
if order == 1:
return a
A = sp.eye(num_node) + A
DA = preprocessing.normalize(A, norm="l1")
L = sp.eye(num_node) - DA
M = L - mu * sp.eye(num_node)
Lx0 = a
Lx1 =
Lx1 = 0.5 * - a
conv = iv(0, s) * Lx0
conv -= 2 * iv(1, s) * Lx1
for i in range(2, order):
Lx2 =
Lx2 = ( - 2 * Lx1) - Lx0
# Lx2 = 2* - Lx0
if i % 2 == 0:
conv += 2 * iv(i, s) * Lx2
conv -= 2 * iv(i, s) * Lx2
Lx0 = Lx1
Lx1 = Lx2
del Lx2
emb = mm = conv
if not plus:
mm = - conv)
if not nn:
emb = get_embedding_dense(mm, self.dimension)
return emb